Prison Service Management Board (PSMB)

Prison Service Management Board detail and board members register of interests.

PSMB brings together the strategic and operational leadership of NIPS. The Board is chaired by the Director General and consists of two Non-Executive Members. It is the top management structure in NIPS and its main role is to provide advice to the Director General; lead on the development and implementation of policy and strategy; challenge decisions made by the Executive Forum; monitor NIPS performance and to provide overall assurance to the Director General on NIPS affairs.

The Board works to a scheduled Forward Work Programme with key items scheduled at each meeting and recurring issues scheduled on a quarterly basis. A feature of the Board is its focus on exception reporting and monthly ‘progress and challenge’ reports from Executive Directors, each of which highlights quickly and efficiently the key issues from the previous month, allowing the Board to focus their attention on the key issues and request further information on topics of concern.

The information received is considered to be of a high standard and allows the Board to be kept informed of any issues that it needs to be aware of to support decision making and drive improvement. The Board provides an effective challenge function for the senior team as it reviews performance, governance and risk with independent members providing challenge and guidance when required

A register of interests for NIPS Board members is available using the following link – NIPS Board Register of Interests.

Prison Service Management Board (PSMB) Minutes 2023


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