The Department of Health and Department of Justice have launched a public consultation on proposals to establish a regional Care and Justice Campus for children and young people.
- Regional care and Justice Campus - Consultation document
- Regional care justice campus questionnaire
- Care and justice campus child friendly version
- Regional care and justice campus consultation child friendly version
- Child friendly consultation response questionnaire
- Regional Care and Justice Campus 0nrural impact screening document
- Regional care and Justice Campus -Equality screening document
- Regional care and Justice Campus - Privacy notice
Consultation description
This was the primary recommendation of the Review of Regional Facilities for Children and Young People in Northern Ireland, commissioned by the then Health Minister in January 2017, with support from the then Justice Minister, and published in December 2018. The plan to establish a regional Care and Justice Campus also reflects a key proposal made by the Department of Justice Scoping Study into Children in the Justice System, completed in March 2016.
The proposals for a regional Care and Justice Campus represent a significant change to the way in which we support those children and young people who require time within a secure environment and following their reintegration back into the community.
The proposals detailed in the consultation document extend beyond the secure setting, to encompass wider community-based interventions. It is envisaged that a regional Care and Justice Campus will comprise (i) a Secure Care Centre made up of the existing Woodlands and Lakewood sites; and (ii) multi-agency satellite provision, including a step-down facility and community-based provision. The consultation seeks your views on these service design proposals and on key principles which will underpin the operation of the Campus.
Ways to respond
Consultation closed — responses are no longer being accepted.