Ford praises £1.2million drugs seizures

Date published: 28 January 2016

Justice Minister David Ford has praised seizures of drugs with a street value of almost £1.2million across Northern Ireland in recent weeks.

Minister of Justice David Ford

Since January 5, drugs including heroin and cannabis worth an estimated £1,182,000 have been seized by the PSNI in Belfast, Poyntzpass, Magherafelt, Londonderry, Coleraine, Ballymoney and Hillsborough. 14 people have also been arrested including three in connection with the production and supply of cocaine.

David Ford, who is chair of the Organised Crime Task Force said: “I want to commend the work of the PSNI in taking these drugs off our streets and welcome the fact that in just over three weeks we have seen drugs worth more than £1million seized in towns and cities across Northern Ireland.

“We remain committed to removing these harmful substances from our streets.  These seizures send a very clear message to those intent on destroying our communities that we will continue to pursue and bring them before the courts.

“I would urge anyone with information to pass it to the PSNI on the 101 number or to the Crimestoppers charity on 0800 555 111.  The sooner these criminals face justice the safer our community will be.”

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