Ford re-appoints Chief Inspector of criminal justice

Date published: 30 November 2015

Justice Minister David Ford has re-appointed Brendan McGuigan as Chief Inspector of Criminal Justice for Northern Ireland.

Chief Inspector of criminal justice re-appointed
Chief Inspector of criminal justice re-appointed

The re-appointment is effective from 30 November 2015 and will run for three years.

Mr McGuigan was first appointed in November 2012.  This is Mr McGuigan’s first and final re-appointment in accordance with the CPA NI Code of Practice.

Minister of Justice, David Ford MLA said “The Chief Inspector of Criminal Justice has a challenging and important role within the wider criminal justice system.

“Brendan McGuigan has been in post for three years, during which he has overseen a number of significant reviews including reforms within the Prison Service, looking at the needs of victims, delay within the justice system and the specific needs of young people and vulnerable witnesses.

“Brendan has challenged the justice system to work more collectively and to think strategically.”

The appointment is made on merit.  The Commissioner for Public Appointments for Northern Ireland requires the political activity of appointees to be published.  Mr McGuigan has declared no political activity and holds no other public appointments.


Notes to editors: 


  1. The re-appointment was made in accordance with the CPA NI Code of Practice. The post is full-time with a salary of £106,040.
  2. Criminal Justice Inspection Northern Ireland (CJINI) is an independent public body established under the Justice (Northern Ireland) Act 2002.
  3. The aim of CJINI is to promote the effectiveness, efficiency and even-handedness of the criminal justice system in Northern Ireland. CJINI is the only unified inspectorate in the UK and Ireland.  It may inspect agencies that form part of the criminal justice system apart from the Judiciary.  This includes the PSNI, Prison Service, Public Prosecution Service, Youth Justice Agency and Courts Service.
  4. All media enquiries should be directed to the Department of Justice Press Office.

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