R and S bulletin 38-2017 Perceptions of policing justice and anti social behaviour: NI Crime Survey 2016-17 findings

Date published: 26 June 2018

This bulletin presents statistics on the level of public confidence in policing and the criminal justice system in Northern Ireland, as well as public perceptions of anti-social behaviour. 

The findings are based on the Northern Ireland Crime Survey (NICS), with interviews conducted between 1 April 2016 and 31 March 2017.  Trend data back to NICS 2007/08 is also included.

NOTE: The tables in this bulletin highlight statistically significant change, some of which were calculated incorrectly. Corrections have been made where appropriate: Table A1; Table A2; Table A4; and Table A5.  We apologise for any inconvenience (26 June 2018).

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