We are consulting on a new multi-agency draft strategy to protect individuals, communities and businesses in Northern Ireland from organised crime. This seeks to build on and enhance the considerable body of work and structures already in place to support multi-agency collaboration in response to organised criminality.
- Consultation on organised crime strategy: 2020-2023
- Organised crime strategy 2020-2023
- Organised crime strategy: Equality screening form
- Organised crime strategy: Rural needs impact assessment
Consultation description
This consultation seeks views from key stakeholders across a wide range of sectors. These include organisations such as the Police Service of Northern Ireland, the Public Prosecution Service, Policing and Community Safety Partnerships, and other Executive Departments. We are also very interested in receiving views and comments from local councils in Northern Ireland, businesses and private sector organisations, faith groups, organisations within the voluntary and community sector, and individual members of the wider public.
The closing date for this consultation is 02 October 2020.
Respond to this consultation via NIDirect website
By phone (enquiries only, during working hours 9am-5pm): 028 90 522957
By e-mail:
In writing:Organised Crime Branch
Protection and Organised Crime Division
Department of Justice
Castle Buildings
Stormont Estate
Ways to respond
Consultation closed — responses are no longer being accepted.