This consultation document seeks views on a range of proposals to reinforce the response to organised crime through the introduction of specific legislative provisions, including a statutory definition of serious organised crime and new offences of ‘directing’ organised crime; ‘participating’ in organised crime and provision for relevant offences to be ‘aggravated’ by a connection with organised crime.
Consultation description
This work is part of a wider strategic approach to tackling serious organised crime and also contributes to delivery of the current Outcomes Delivery Plan, in particular, Outcome 7: We have a safe community where we respect the law and each other. The policy intent is to ensure that law enforcement in Northern Ireland is able to avail of robust and appropriate legislative tools to investigate, disrupt, prosecute and bring to justice those involved in serious organised crime. We want to send a strong message to criminals that we will not tolerate the harm they cause to individuals and communities within Northern Ireland.
Ways to respond
Consultation closed — responses are no longer being accepted.