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1765 publications

Joint Action Plan published to deliver on the objectives of the “Tackling Violence at Home” Strategy (published October 2005) and the “Tackling Sexual Violence and Abuse” Strategy (published June 2008). 

Published 24 August 2012Development plan/framework

This note reminds Registered and Umbrella Bodies of these changes, what the change means and how you complete the AccessNI Disclosure Application from 10 September 2012.

Published 22 August 2012Notices

This update presents the most recent statistics on the level of public confidence in policing and the criminal justice system in Northern Ireland as well as public perceptions of anti-social behaviour.

Published 01 August 2012Research and analysis

This report presents workload statistics for the last five financial years for the operational directorates of the Youth Justice Agency (YJA). From 2007 to 2011 this includes Youth Conference and Community Services and the Custodial Services.

Published 26 July 2012Statistical reports

Building Safer, Shared and Confident Communities’ sets the direction for reducing crime, anti-social behaviour and fear of crime in Northern Ireland over the next five years.

Published 26 July 2012Corporate reports

The Northern Ireland Prison Service (N.I.P.S) uses a facility named the Prisoner Assessment Unit as a base from which to test life sentence and long term prisoners in the community.

Published 11 July 2012Corporate reports

Consultation report on proposals to vary the firearm licensing fees and other miscellaneous amendments.

Published 05 July 2012Consultation reports

The role of the Board is to assess arrangements for the control, management and operation of the local DNA database and criminal DNA profiling, assessing compliance with relevant legislation, and that practice and procedures are developed in line with national o

Published 03 July 2012Policy papers

The three main objectives of this action plan are:  Improving access to justice, Bringing legal aid expenditure within budget and Improving governance and accountability of legal aid.

Published 02 July 2012Development plan/framework

This Newsletter provides an update on changes within AccessNI

Published 01 July 2012Circulars

This bulletin is based on findings from the 2009/10 and 2010/11 Northern Ireland Crime Surveys (NICS).

Published 28 June 2012Research and analysis

Freedom of information request and disclosure relating to IT employee numbers.

Published 14 June 2012FOI/EIR responses

This Business Plan looks forward over the next year and maps out how NIPS will progress the vision set by the Review Team.

Published 08 June 2012Business plans

This Business Plan looks forward over the next year and maps out how NIPS will progress the vision set by the Review Team: of a Service with the offender at the centre of its focus

Published 08 June 2012Business plans

The purpose of this Business Plan is to translate the priorities, as set by the Minister, into a set of objectives and targets for the Department and set out how we will continue to take these forward and deliver on them in 2012/13.

Published 01 June 2012Business plans

This quality report provides background information to the Northern Ireland Crime Survey National Statistics outputs 'Experience of Crime' and 'Perceptions of Crime.

Published 27 April 2012Research and analysis

The Northern Ireland Crime Survey is carried out by the Central Survey Unit (CSU) of the Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency. This technical report, prepared by CSU, presents information on the sample design and methodology used.

Published 24 April 2012Research and analysis

The Statistics and Research Branch of the Department of Justice (DOJ) publishes a range of statistical reports derived from the Northern Ireland Crime Survey.

Published 24 April 2012Statistical reports

Freedom of information request relating to physical training males and females (gym field sessions).

Published 23 April 2012FOI/EIR responses

The Northern Ireland Statistical & Research Agency (NISRA) conduct a yearly satisfaction survey amongst users of the statistics and services provided by the Analytical Services Group of the Department of Justice. 

Published 19 April 2012Research and analysis

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