1804 publications
The review of the criminal records regime in Northern Ireland
R&S Bulletin 3/2011 Experience of Crime: Findings from the 2010/11 Northern Ireland Crime Survey
NIPS FOI 11:441 - minutes of meetings relating to Market testing of peccs
NIPS FOI 11:409 - ICT expenditure and budget information 2011 to 2013
NIPS FOI 11:397 - agreed payment term and prompt payment
NIPS FOI 11:391 - BT pinphone charges
Owers review of the Northern Ireland Prison Service
Learning and Skills Strategy 2010 - 2013
Prison Service pay review body seventh report
Working with women prisoners: A guide for staff
Gender specific standards for working with women prisoners
Prison service access to information policy 2010
Family Strategy Policy 2010
Fair processing notice
Suicide and self harm prevention policy
Policy for the safe use and custody of Hoffman cut down knives
NI Prison Service Corporate Plan 2011-15 and Business Plan 2011-12
DOJ Information Charter
DOJ Data Protection Policy Statement
NIPS FOI 11:340 ICT expenditure & budget information 20/10/11 - 2012/13